
[Event] Phoenix Style Collective Launch Party

On Friday I had the pleasure of attending the Phoenix Style Collective (PSC) launch party hosted at the GROWop in Central Phoenix. For lack of a better word it was absolutely AH-MAZING!  Who would have known that such creative, young, talented and let’s not forget fashionable people resided in this area. I must be totally living under a rock. From the Luncha Libre food truck, the peanut butter & jelly cupcakes, the sweet handmade trinkets available at the GROWop and the amazing group of people gathered together to be a part of something big- the PSC had quite the successful event.

     (Above: PSC Founding Fathers – Courtney, Kara, Chelsea, Katherine and Josh)

Let me give you a little back story behind the Phoenix Style Collective. Founded by Courtney of Phoenix is Haute, Chelsea of Tea Talk, Katherine of A Bit of SparkleFarkle, Kara of Sunshine Cupcakes and Josh the owner of the GROWop, these six young and creative individuals wanted to shed a little light on the Phoenix fashion scene. But PHX, the sixth largest metropolitan area in the nation, frequently get’s looked over when rallying up the hip and fashionable. Enter the PSC! Their main goals is to, “link the taste makers of the Phoenix style scene.” And with the successful turn out of the launch party, the Phoenix Style Collective had quite the debut.

The event was soo much fun. There were artists, photographer, models, designers, local business owners and bloggers of all varieties all wanting to be a part of the ‘change’. Being fairly new to the area (a year still makes me new, right?) I was eager and let’s be honest, nervous, to attend and meet new people. But it was all for the better and totally worth it.  I met some pretty awesome bloggers with such impeccable style that I’m hoping we created some great friendships. I also had the pleasure of meeting Kristine, the voice behind Kristine or Polly. Imagine my surprise when I recognized her between the sea of people. No joke, I actually was a little star struck! Being the weirdo that I am, I had to go up and make conversation and ask for a picture. Sorry Kristine but thanks for obliging!

                      (Above: Kristine of Kristine or Polly and your’s truly)

(Wearing: J.Lo Top/Kohl’s [exactly], LC Lauren Conrad Faux Leather Shorts/Kohl’s [exactly], Tights/Target, Boots/Target [similar], Bag/Relic [similar])

We ate, we drank, we networked and mingled – and we were all there to help support something that we are eager to be a part of. I’m sure we are all looking forward to more events in the near future.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful (and fashionable) friendship!

Continue for more pictures of the event.

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