Goals Life

2023 Word of the Year

Do you come up with a Word of the Year? I do and I’ve finally landed on mine for 2023!Untitled

For a few years now, instead of setting resolutions I choose a word for the year that serves as my anchor and that I can come back to when I’m feeling out of sorts. It’s like a touchstone I can depend on to assess how I want my year to unfold.

This year I’ve landed on my Word of the Year and it is GROWTH. Growth is defined as the process of developing or maturing physically, mentality and/or spiritually. This year I want to grow into the person I’m meant to become, to grow the relationships in my life, to grow creatively, spiritually, and financially. Growth in aspects of my life, if you will.

What word is in your heart right now? Is there something that rings true for the year ahead?

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